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Smile Inside offers customized self-discovery workshops and specialized tutoring.


 Smile Inside programs can be tailored to meet the needs of children, adolescents, and adults in the form of workshops or professional development sessions.

To submit an expression of interest, answer the following questions for your free consultation.


Vanessa Lee Abraham, the owner of Smile Inside, has developed a multi-angled approach to tutoring, which has had great results and comes highly recommended. She offers her services virtually to children ages 8-14. 

Gaps in learning are identified
Individualized lessons are created to help the student gain necessary skills
Attention is given to capabilities that relate to focus, emotions, and behavior 
Intervention support is provided when needed to develop and enhance healthy mental habits and positive behaviors 
Progress reports improve and confidence in the classroom increases

The Process

Getting Started

  1. A private conversation will need to take place to express concerns about your child. Be prepared to discuss your child’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as goals, on the phone or via video.
  2. An in-person introductory meeting with your child, you, and any other parent or caregiver you want present so the young person can see we are all on the same page and serious about supporting him or her. This meeting is free of charge.
  3. A release form from the school your child attends will need to be signed or permission granted to communicate with teachers, depending on policies.
  4. Provide samples or send photos of classroom work, the most recent report card, and an I.E.P., if applicable, prior to the first tutoring session.

Moving Forward

  1. A suitable time will need to be negotiated to meet weekly via Zoom. Plan to commit to a minimum of eight consecutive weeks for optimal results.
  2. With your permission and depending on your child’s needs, he or she will be taught techniques that will assist on a personal level (e.g. how to improve focus, social skills, emotional literacy).
  3. You and the teachers will receive a report via email communicating activities, discoveries, successes or concerns after every session.
  4. Your child will be asked to do homework assignments, which are very important to his or her success. These may include physical, mental, emotional, creative, or technological activities.


Vanessa’s rate is $40 per hour session. This includes planning, communication with teachers, weekly reports, and any materials shared to support your child’s success. You will invoiced at the beginning of each month for the scheduled weekly sessions and will be asked to pay online via ACH, credit, or PayPal by the end of the month.


Cancellations can be made up at a convenient time. Sessions that are not attended or made up by the end of the month will not be refunded.


There are limited tutoring spots during the school year, however numerous summer sessions are available to provide extra support for casual students.

School Year Sessions:

Monday – Thursday
3:45 PM – 4:45 PM
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Summer Sessions:

Monday – Thursday
Between 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Current Special – New students receive one free session with an 8-session purchase of $280, a savings of $40.

Customer Reviews

We have been using Vanessa as a tutor for over 5 years and couldn’t be happier with the results. 

She has worked with all 3 of our children, with her work varying from weekly support to occasional help as needed. Her outside the box thinking, along with fun and interactive games, have proven to be extremely effective at getting our children to become better students.  Vanessa is fluent in all subjects and is more than willing to support students in their areas of need. But Vanessa is more than just a tutor to our children, as she has been a constant social and emotional support for them as well. We strongly recommend Vanessa and Smile Inside.

Zack T.


I signed my son up for tutoring through Smile Inside a couple of years ago and it’s honestly one of the best things I could have ever done for my son.

I have seen such tremendous improvement in his grades. His tutor does an excellent job of making the session fun and keeps him engaged. With parent permission she is able to include the teachers on her session updates and to get feedback from them on things they are working on in class. I’m just so impressed with the range of things she works on with him as well as helping to prepare him for testing. I highly recommend Smile Inside!

Laura S.



If you are interested in learning more, please contact us today!