“When I was young, I promised myself I would never forget what it was like and that I would be a voice that advocates for the well-being of young people.”
-Vanessa Lee Abraham, Owner

Enhancing Social and Emotional Intelligence
self-awareness • self-management • social awareness • relationship skills • responsible decision-making
Products & Programs

Products to support the development of emotional intelligence & positive behaviors in kids, tweens, and teens.

Programs, workshops, and activities that build self-awareness and social & emotional intelligence in young people.

Wholesale prices on select products for organizations, schools, and retailers. Buy in bulk and save up to 40%!
Importance of Social-Emotional Learning
According to a landmark meta-analysis performed by CASEL*,
the national social and emotional learning (SEL) advocacy group:

SEL interventions that address the five core competencies
increased students’ academic performance by 11 percentile points
compared to students who did not participate.

Students participating in SEL programs showed
improved classroom behavior, an increased ability to manage stress and depression
and better attitudes about themselves, others, and school.
* Study performed by CASEL. Results are from a landmark meta-analysis (Durlak et al., 2011) that looked across 213 studies, involving more than 270,000 students. Learn more about the research.
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